On Thursday 21 March, a team of 4 officers of the EPRC visited CAPCO and CASPOA, two FRA AF’s Units located in Lyon Mont-Verdun Airbase, FRA.
With the scope of increasing the EPRC Permanent Staff members’ awareness on real-life Personnel Recovery (PR) C2 structures, the EPRC was offered by the French Air & Space Force the opportunity to visit their JFAC HQ, denominated CAPCO (Centre Air de Planification et de Conduite des Opérations”, i.e., anAir Operations Planning and Control Centre), and more specifically their PRCC-equivalent cell and personnel.
The visit allowed to put into perspective on the one hand what is taught during the JPRSC and on the other hand its concrete application by France in a JFAC HQ. A visit to the war room gave a clearer idea of the structure of the JFAC. This was followed by a discussion with a very experienced CCO (Chief of Current OPS) on all the aspects of the PR mission at staff level, giving a better understanding of the constraints but also of the importance attached to this type of mission when planning it.
The EPRC personnel took advantage of this stay in Lyon Mont-Verdun to visit the CASPOA (“Centre d’Analyse et de Simulation pour la Préparation des Opérations Aériennes” – Analysis and Simulation Centre for the Preparation of Air Operations), which is accredited by NATO as the Air Operations Centre of Excellence (AO CoE).
After a welcome address, the team received a presentation of the missions of the AO COE, including a general overview of the many courses run by the centre (50 a year in total), which provide both French and Foreign Nations’ students with opportunities for training in air operations, including the JPR Air C2 course. The latter course is regularly reinforced by EPRC instructors that provide support to the FRA ASF staff. As a result of the regular interactions between the two Centres, interesting discussions took place on the functioning of a COE and on air operations. The tour of the facilities enabled EPRC staff to assess the power of the simulation tools implemented by CASPOA, and to identify possible future developments for the JPRSC (Joint Personnel Recovery Staff Course) that the EPRC organises twice a year.
EPRC and CASPOA staff are currently working on the renewal of the Letter of Cooperation linking the two entities, which will enable a reinforced cooperation in the field of PR Education and Training between the two centres, aiming at expanding the PR community and overall strengthening a capability where interoperability is paramount.