On 17th May, 2024, 22 students from 11 nations of the SSLWG have completed the third Reintegration training, organized jointly by JPRA, PRETC and EPRC, supported by the extraordinary hospitality of Spain. At Alcantarilla AB (ESP), the participants were trained on the basis of the PR296/297 courses. This training was carried out right after the 41st meeting of the SSLWG, which also focussed on the “Reintegration” topic. Therefore, some of the students had already used the previous week to take part in discussions on the topic.
This training was organized as an answer to the interest expressed by Nations during one of the SERE School Leaders’ Working Group (SSLWG) Meetings and was based on a U.S. offer through the involvement of Mobile Training Teams from their Joint Personnel Recovery Agency – Personnel Recovery Education & Training Centre (JPRA – PRETC). The intent was to provide the trainees with a training multiplier that Nations can use as a starting point for establishing their Reintegration Training programs.
During the lessons and workshops, the students were able to gain experience and also develop their own solutions and possibilities, regarding national doctrines, trainings and workshops, in the topic of Reintegration. Considering the various backgrounds and military expertise of the students, this time a very diverse and mixed group fruitfully interacted, which was beneficial to reach the end state of the course.
Building on the positive feedback from the students, and committed to support national requests expressed by SSLWG nations, the EPRC stands ready to organize a fourth iteration of this interesting and relevant training next year.