Italy, 26 August – 27 August 2020
The third Edition of the JPR RESCORT Module was held at the Poggio Renatico Air Base, on 26th August – 27th August. As in previous editions, the module was presented by EPRC personnel and supported by external instructors, SMEs in different fields of expertise (RW RESCORT, FW RESCORT, INTEL and LEGAD).

This module aims to support the RESCORT course for the ITA AF EF-2000 pilots and enable them to act as part of a PRTF providing the basic knowledge for the ITA PR week scheduled on the 19-30th October in Decimomannu (ITA). 11 pilots from the 4th, 36th, 37th and 51th Wings of the Italian Air Force participated in this 2020 edition.
Based on a specific study for this audience and the feedback collected on previous editions, lectures were modified and tailored to fit the target audience needs. Some specific aspects as LEGAD considerations (self-defence, self-defence extended and proportionality concepts) and new PR references has been implemented in this iteration, considered necessary to meet the learning objectives.
Attending this course, participants received the basic skills and knowledge on JPR RESCORT roles and responsibilities, roles and responsibilities of the other elements of a PRTF, as well as, important ISOP and legal considerations.
European nations have assessed previous missions and identified the lack of an adequate number of RESCORT fighters and qualified crews to be a serious gap. Existing shortfalls in doctrine, concepts of employment, specific platforms and TTPs, made it necessary to create Education and Training opportunities like this module for the FW community and to approach them to the field of JPR.
EPRC will continue developing initiatives in order to overcome PR capability shortfalls in support of its Member Nations and will be glad to support the JPR training of their personnel.