The EPRC has conducted the first iteration in 2024 of its Joint Personnel Recovery Staff Course (JPRSC) at Poggio Renatico Air Base, hosted in the Italian JFAC HQ facilities, from the 5th to the 15th of March 2024.
The course, which is a NATO-selected one, was organised and led by the EPRC Permanent Staff with the outstanding support provided by external PR Subject Matter Expert coming from some of the EPRC Member Nations, NATO Command Structure (AIRCOM HQ), and Partner Nations such as Romania.
This edition also aimed to consolidate the innovations introduced in the syllabus in the previous iteration: all trainees took on the role of Director JPRC/PRCC, and all teams operated at both PRCC-level and JPRC-level.
Nineteen students, originated from various military Services and from the German federal Police, mostly came from five EPRC Nations: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, and The Netherlands. However, two seats were offered to partner entities, with a US Navy officer assigned at NATO Deployable Air Command and Control Centre (DACCC) and a Greek officer from NRDC-GR.
In complement with the lectures and roleplays, a valuable opportunity of PR awareness was offered by three specific events: a lecture on Space Operations presented by the AIRCOM representative; a discussion held via VTC with the JPRC personnel of the OIR CFACC in Al-Udeid, Qatar; and, on the last day of the course, a lecture on Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) delivered by a German consultant, former DEU AF Officer.
The students who graduated the course, by performing satisfactorily during the role plays and passing the final test, can from now on operate as PR Staff Members in a JPRC/PRCC, in operations and/or exercises. The EPRC JPRSC was also a unique opportunity for participants to create a valuable PR network, useful for future employment.
The EPRC is already planning the second iteration this year, most probably this October, that will have the specificity to be held, via a Mobile Training Team composed of Permanent Staff members and external support personnel, in another EPRC member Nation.