Italy, 25 February – 06 March 2020
The second Edition of the EPRC JPR Staff Course (JPRSC) was held at the Poggio Renatico Air Base, on 25th February – 06th March. This Edition was hosted by the European Personnel Recovery Centre, conducting the event with its permanent staff and the appreciated collaboration of one instructor from the Belgian SERE school and the expertise advise of one US PR specialist, currently PR Director of the US Naval Forces in Europe and Africa.

20 students from 10 different countries (Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and USA) attended the course, highlighting the first time ever participation of one Bulgarian representative. EPRC is very glad on having new countries attending this training opportunity and widening the PR community.

By attending this course, students received the basic skills and knowledge and the EPRC Certification to act as JPR Staff Member in a JPRC/PRCC in Operations and/or Exercises. EPRC JPR Staff Course has been updated taking into consideration the Lessons Identified provided by JPR customers and stakeholders involved in Operations and Exercises, as well as the inputs provided by the students who have attended the previous EDA PRCP Courses. Furthermore, it has been adjusted in accordance with the demanding NATO Standards and currently, it is included in the NATO ETOC (Education and Training Opportunities Catalogue) as a NATO Listed Course, expecting to be certified as NATO Selected Course in the near future.
JPRSC is a tangible proof of how EPRC, both as EU Discipline Leader and as a Personnel Recovery reference for NATO, can support Nations providing standardization and effective training among the JPR Staff in accordance with NATO standards and quality assurance.
EPRC will continue providing its expertise for those EPRC Nations who want to run this course in accordance with NATO standards and monitor the execution of the JPRSC in order to assure that it is delivered within the set standards.