Dear PR colleagues,
I am very proud to present to you this first edition of our e-PRC news.
You may be aware that the EPRC was set up by 7 NATO European Nations to create a multinational hub of PR expertise where 15 SMEs are fully dedicated to support the development of a robust PR capability in NATO and the EU, along with EPRC and partner nations.
I had the pleasure to follow the establishment process of the EPRC from the outset as the leader of the Interim (I) EPRC in High Wycombe (GBR), and now I am honored to lead this Centre as first Commander in Poggio Renatico (ITA) since 1 July 2015. IOC was declared last year just the day after the EPRC Inauguration on 9 July 2015 and now we are very close to achieve all FOC requirements. I have to say that under the relentless and wise direction of the EPRC Director MG (ITA) Fantuzzi, and the consistent commitment of the EPRC Steering Group and EPRC Working Group, a lot of achievements have been reached. We were working hard and thanks to the support of EPRC Nations, the great involvement of all PR NATO and EU stakeholders and the consistent support of the US PR Agency, JPRA, we are slowly but surely confirming our potential as a reliable cadre of multinational PR experts aiming to support PR as a whole.
Having delivered two PR Controller and Planner Courses (PRCPC) and one Combine Joint PR Standardisation Course (from 2016 it is renamed Air Centric PR Operatives Course – APROC) one can say that, in just 9 months, we have consolidated our Program of Activities (POA) and we are looking forward to present our achievements to our nations during the second EPRC SG Meeting in Rome on 16 June.
I am happy that our network is growing and our relationships with the main PR stakeholders in NATO and EU are firmly shaping up. We are enthusiastic to see that a lot of PR activities have been initiated in NATO and EU since the EPRC’s inception, and we are proud to provide NATO and EU the foreseen support with our dedicated manpower. After all, our motivation lies in the PR motto “That others may live”.
I am sure this newsletter will provide ample information to you as a PR enthusiast and EPRC fan……and also hope for your feedback.
My staff and I stand ready to hear from you!!
Domenico Fanelli (Col ITA AF)
EPRC Commander