In line with its vision of being recognised as a PR hub in Europe, the EPRC hosted the 47th Meeting of the NATO PR/SAR WG, from the 11th Oct 22 to the 13th Oct 22 in Ferrara, ITA.

The NATO Personnel Recovery/Search And Rescue Working Group (PR/SAR WG) is responsible, under the Military Committee Air Standardization Board (MCASB), for the development and update of various PR-related Standards, including the SERE Training Standard (STANAG 7196 – APRP- and the PR TTPs (STANAG 7233 – APRP-, whose Custodianship is held by a NLD member of the EPRC permanent staff.
Alongside NATO Nations and other NATO bodies, the EPRC is a permanent participant to this forum, and actively contributes to the drafting of documents, like the merging of various SERE-related NATO standards into a renewed APRP-
Under the chairmanship of GBR, the 2.5-day session allowed all 29 participants, in presence and by VTC, to fruitfully review in detail the many STANAGs under the responsibility of the WG, to report on the ongoing drafting for some of them, to debate the relevance of others, and more broadly to discuss the evolutions affecting the PR domain.
In complement to the work it carries out for its Member Nations, the EPRC is committed to maintain a solid relationship with NATO, one of the main partners of the Centre regarding Concepts and Documents, and looks forward to attending the next Meeting of the PR/SAR WG in early 2023.