La Spezia, Italy – 28-30 JAN 2025

The EPRC acting Commander and a member of the EDU Branch have been invited to perform as speakers at the ITALIAN NAVY PR Week 25-1 that has been held at the Italian Navy Base of La Spezia, Italy, from the 28th to the 30th of January. The event, in the form of a seminar, is held and organized bi-annually by the Helicopter Assault Division of the Italian Navy Fleet Air Arm that is acting as PR agency/SME for the Commander in Chief of the Italian Navy (CINCNAV).
The intent of the PR Week is to give a refresh/update on topics involving PR for the PR Officers of the Italian Navy units (Division level, Destroyers and Frigates, Minehunters small support ships), to enhance PR culture in the maritime environment. The occasion was a very good opportunity to underline the role of EPRC as the main hub for Personnel Recovery in Europe.