The first iteration in 2023 of the EPRC’s Joint Personnel Recovery Staff Course (JPRSC) was held at Poggio Renatico Air Base from the 28th February to the 10th March 2023 and was hosted in the Italian JFAC facilities.
This iteration was organised and conducted by the EPRC Permanent Staff with the outstanding support provided by external PR experts coming from the EPRC Member Nations, the NATO Command Structure (HQ AIRCOM, JFC Brunssum), NATO Centre of Excellence (JAPCC), and the European Defence Agency (EDA). The EPRC as a small, though efficient organisation, has always relied on the support of such external instructors with strong experience in the field of PR, who provide their valuable support in various ways, mainly delivering PR-related lectures and instructing the students tasked to resolve simulated PR events through the conduct of roleplays.
Twenty military students coming from six EPRC Nations: (Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and The Netherlands), one partner Nations (Latvia), two NATO entities (Allied Maritime Command Northwood and Multinational Corps Northeast Szczecin) and the EPRC itself, and originated from various Services, attended the Course, which is a NATO-selected one. 18 of them successfully completed the syllabus and were graduated to operate as PR Staff Members in a JPRC/PRCC in case of operations and/or exercises. The Course was also a unique opportunity for the participants to strengthen ties and contribute to create a valuable PR network.
In addition, EPRC welcomed observers from Denmark and NATO Allied Maritime Command Northwood and had the opportunity to invite three Guest Speakers who gave some high valuable speeches, sharing their PR real-life experiences in operations.
Following this successful 23-01 Course, the EPRC is currently planning to deliver another iteration of the Course, from the 19th to the 29th of September 2023.
Stay tuned on www.eprc.org